Innovation Information Form
For United School “Hristo Botev”,
Tsonevo village,
Dalgopol Municipality,
NEISPUO Code: 400145,
Varna Region
- Start of the proposed innovation: 2023/2024 academic year
- End of the proposed innovation activities: 2026/2027 academic year
Motivation for the proposed innovation, based on objective data and analysis of the school environment:
The innovation aims to stimulate students’ creative and critical thinking, encourage interest in books, and promote reading activity in a positive and supportive environment.
Objective of the Innovation:
The main goal is to increase student motivation for learning through the introduction of modern interactive educational tools and technologies. Our ambition is to make learning an active, rather than passive, process.
Brief description of the innovation process for the specified project period:
The new school subject introduced by this innovation for 2nd-grade students is “The Interactive World of Books”. The project will involve 20 students from one class, divided into two groups. Their participation in the project will last four years, with each year building upon the previous one.
We will utilize modern interactive teaching methods and techniques to engage students, increase their involvement, and enhance their critical thinking and self-awareness. Teamwork will contribute to a better understanding of different perspectives, and the student-teacher connection will remain constant throughout the process.
Through various interactive and game-based learning methods, students will develop a newfound appreciation for books, seeing them as equal counterparts to digital devices such as computers, tablets, and smartphones, while also recognizing books as valuable sources of knowledge.
Implementation Plan for the 2024/2025 Academic Year
The guiding theme for second grade is “I Read and Understand.”
During this phase, students will engage in interactive and game-based activities that focus on reading comprehension and vocabulary expansion. The objective is to present books as valuable sources of knowledge.
Expected Outcomes of the Project:
- Increased student attendance and willingness to participate in lessons.
- Organizing joint activities with parents and teachers.
- Conducting surveys to assess students’ and parents’ attitudes.
- Improved academic performance.
- Establishing the school as a desired learning environment.
Successful Implementation of the Innovation Will Lead To:
- Reduction in student absenteeism.
- Greater parental involvement in school life (open lessons, participation in events).
- Conducting surveys to measure the project’s impact.
- Enhanced reputation and credibility of the school.
In the second year, teachers will acquire new skills in using interactive and innovative teaching methods. Second-grade students will read with comprehension and apply reading comprehension strategies effectively.
Final Product:
A digital portfolio will be developed, incorporating questionnaires to assess students’ understanding of reading materials.
Compliance with Educational Regulations:
The proposed innovation fully complies with:
- State Educational Standards (DOS) and Ordinance No. 5 (30.11.2015) on general education.
- Ordinance No. 4 (30.11.2015) on the school curriculum.
The school curriculum has been designed to align with students’ interests and the school’s capabilities. The new subject will be implemented within Section “B” (elective courses) and Section “C” (optional courses) of the school curriculum.
Expansion Potential of the Innovation:
Our goal is to include each new first-grade class in the innovation process, gradually expanding its scope.
Opportunities for Sharing School Experience and Best Practices:
- Developing expertise among group leaders and administrative staff.
- Sharing innovative practices with colleagues during organized workshops.
- Showcasing students’ achievements on social media and the school’s website.
Information on Students Included in the Innovation Process:
The project will involve 20 second-grade students, divided into two groups.
Teacher Qualifications Involved in the Innovation Process:
- Zeydzhan Smail Halil – Master’s Degree
- Monka Prokopova Dobreva – Master’s Degree
Scientific Data and Evidence Supporting the Effectiveness of the Innovation:
The project is based on research demonstrating the benefits of early literacy development in children.
Objectives for Personal, Intellectual, and Emotional Development of Students:
Our goal is to foster future active readers with a strong value system built on virtue and positivity.
School Contact Person:
📞 088 9695000 – Hasan (Available on weekdays from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM)